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Tuesday, August 22, 2023

RIP Connie Lueck

Connie Lueck (3rd from left in photo) was a student of Shunryu Suzuki from the early sixties. The early students mentioned her in conversation and interviews and she's in early photos, but no one ever mentioned anything about her since those days. Then a few days ago Elizabeth Sawyer sent me a Facebook message that a woman with that name had asked to die at Zen Center. Elizabeth is one of those on call for such a situation. Elizabeth wrote that Connie Lueck died 45 minutes after arriving at Zen Center from a San Francisco hospital after being brought inside in a stretcher.  I'm going to inform a few old timers and look into who might have been in touch with her to see what can be found for a memorial page for her.

This photo is SR0209 in the data base. That's a link to it there.

L to R: Jean Ross, Betty Warren, Connie Lueck, Della Goertz, Bill Kwong, Grahame Petchey?, Paul Alexander, + Bob Hense in zazen at Soko-ji. Posed for photo because this is the men's side for actual zazen period.

Connie Lueck cuke page with more photos and where more will go as I find out. - dc

Note: I just realized one day later that this is something that happened decades ago. Am posting a new follow-up post because more has come to light.