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Saturday, August 19, 2023

Willard Mike Dixon art in a new show


August 19 - September 15, 4-6pm

Opening Reception, Saturday, August 26, 4-6 PM

311 Lorton Ave, Burlingame, CA


Page on this exhibition at the Andra Norris website

From the email promoting this impressive show

Willard Dixon and Richard Shaw met in the sixties when they were students at the San Francisco Art Institute, where they studied art and joined the Studio 13 band, playing New Orleans-style jazz in a group that once included artists Elmer Bischoff and David Park. The band had a long tradition at the school, and over the years the artists would see each other at art openings and sometimes perform at them. Though Dixon’s and Shaw’s art is vastly dissimilar, their important individual contributions, taking root in California’s Bay Area, are integral to American contemporary art.

Willard Dixon, known for capturing the vast beauty of the American West, sees possible paintings in his everyday movements through the world, which he later develops in a way that communicates the feeling of what he experiences. Dixon’s paintings, with their signature early-evening light, feature landscapes, water, and sky, and they include vistas from the artist’s recent travels to the Hawaiian Islands and from skies over Utah.


Two more of Dixon's paintings in the show

Paradisal (Maui)
