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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Hozan Alan Senauke is giving a Dharma talk!

Laurie Senauke writes: Hozan Alan Senauke is giving the Dharma talk this Saturday, 10:15am, at the Berkeley Zen Center. If you are local, I don't encourage you to go to BZC for this, because there are still Covid space limitations in person (and he won't be in person anyway). However, if our time zone works for you, feel free to hop on the zoom meeting.  You can find the link on BZC's website, top right, "Enter the Zendo Now".  (Actually, on mobile you have to scroll way down to see the right hand widgets...). Cross your fingers that I can get him shaved before then!  - onward in love and dharma, Laurie

For those unaware, Hozan Alan Senauke was in a coma not that long ago and has been gradually recovering. Here's his Caring Bridge page. This is a bit of a miracle. - dc