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Saturday, October 5, 2024

CMZC Report on the Mt. Seat Ceremony of Tatsudo Nicole Baden

 A message from Crestone Mt. ZC about the recent mountain seat ceremony in which Zentatsu Richard Baker stepped down (on Friday Sept. 6th) and Tatsudo Nicole Baden stepped up to become the abbot of Dharma Sangha Germany and US.


Ascending the Mountain Ceremony

Our Gathering at CMZC

The Ascending the Mountain Ceremony Weekend was three weeks ago already, but the event, it's historical importance and the abundantly celebratory feel of it is still present for us, as we hope it is for Tatsudo Roshi and Baker Roshi. We bow deeply and also with great joy.

While Genzan Brian DeCamp was in Germany, contributing and being present for CMZC on-site, those of us here joined remotely. We "participated" in as many of the events as we could, sending our gratitude and support to Baker Roshi and Tatsudo Roshi from afar. We were moved and inspired by the key, defining moments, by the depth of the greater Sangha, and by the connecting and re-connecting that was so palpable, even via Zoom.

We were lucky to have Kōkyō Henkel, Dharma Heir of Tenshin Reb Anderson, here as a Visiting Teacher for some weeks that included the Mountain Seat Weekend. His two talks nurtured the understanding of our shared lineage, and he also was a guide as we witnessed each step of the Ascending the Mountain Ceremony. Thank you, Kōkyō.

We thank all of those who made it possible to be part of the event remotely, and those who helped in any way to make the event so unforgettable.