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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Time Zone for DC visit with All Beings Sangha

We got some questions about what time zone the 11am was in. Eastern.

From All Beings Zen Sangha:

Saturday October 19, 2024, 11am EST  Special Guest Speaker David Chadwick – David Chadwick, is author of Crooked Cucumber: The Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki and Poobah of Cuke Archives which includes, Cuke Archives Daily Blog, and more. He says, “I rarely give talks. Mainly I like to talk with people. I’ll talk about the Sandokai and Suzuki Roshi’s talks on it. I can keep going solo but interaction is best.” Use this link to join. If asked for a password use 903814. (Online only.)

More recent photo.

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