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Monday, April 6, 2015

Ordinary for sure

I remember when Edward Brown edited Shunryu Suzuki lectures for Not Always So, that Bill Redican was distraught because Edward used the old version transcripts and not the verbatim versions that Bill and his crew had meticulously been creating.
So Bill went over all the transcripts, sacrificing much of a vacation he'd been planning on. One discrepancy he pointed out was that in Suzuki lecture 69-03-30 the term "ordinary man" was transcribed in the older version as "ordinary mind" - don't know how many times - and that Edward had used that incorrect transcription in his edited version. Edward thought about it and said he liked "ordinary mind" better anyway. We find that in the verbatim version, Suzuki used the term "ordinary mind" five times and the phrase "ordinary man" sixteen times. Not Always So the book in the chapter Ordinary Mind, Buddha Mind uses "ordinary man" not at all and "ordinary human" three times and "ordinary mind" six times. I think the meaning isn't really changed and Edward did a great job of editing.

Read and listen to the verbatim lecture on There we feature a 2nd generation verbatim version. By clicking on "More Files" one may also see that version featured and have links to the original verbatim called "Verbatim PDF" and a Minimum Edit and two Wind Bell versions (maybe the same) or read a verbatim (maybe the original) on the SFZC site. Or you can read Edward's version in the book. So many choices. - DC