Memorial page for Shunko Mike Jamvold with three photos so far. Anything one wishes to add could be sent to dchad at cuke dot com (as in Here's one photo sent by his temple mate in Kyoto Jirai Reinhard Mehl.
This is the Cuke Archives page for what’s being featured each day. Our other two Zen sites: - all the transcripts, audio, film, photo archive and - for Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. New 2021: Audiobook for Crooked Cucumber & Zen Is Right Now: More Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki Youtube Cuke Archives - Posts from here also appear on Facebook Cuke Archives Core Books by and about Shunryu Suzuki -- People Index -- DC home -- DC Books Cuke Podcasts - Instagram Cuke Archives - - Donate For personal, environment, music, etc, go to Cuke nonZense Blog and cuke-annex
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Saturday, January 30, 2016
RIP Shunko Mike Jamvold
Just received the most sad new in an email that Shunko Mike Jamvold has died of pneumonia in Kyoto. The email came from Jirai Reinhard Mehl, a German monk with whom Shunko has been living in a small temple in Kyoto - just the two of them I believe. Katrinka and I visited with Shunko a few times in May and June of 2014 in Kyoto and we've had some email back and forth. Known him since the early seventies at the SFZC. Wish I'd known he was ill. Farewell dear friend. - DC Jirai's email is below
Check it out for sure
Uncertainty Club - New online magazine from the Pacific Zen Institute, head teacher John Tarrant.
A Brief Morning Zazen Talk
We have one more day. Don't be attached to your attainment as a result of past
effort. Or don't be attached to the refreshed stage you attained mechanically.
Open up your mind wider and be more subtle, ready to accept things as it
is, and practice -- continue your practice. This is the meaning of sesshin. The
mind you attained is not even quite newly refreshed mind. It is nothing
itself -- itself, free from all attachment. I am very much grateful to sit with you in this way and to have more chance to
sit. Let's make this sesshin more meaningful one. Thank you very much. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 66-08-19-B as found on Copy and paste the name into the search box there to get to the transcript.. Edited by DC - Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. - Go to What's New [now at blogger] to see more daily posts.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Suzuki is commenting on the Shushogi, giving his own spin on it, it seems with:
"There is no buddha who did not arise way-seeking mind, who did not practice our practice, who did not have bodhisattva-mind, who did not attain nirvana." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 66-08-19-A as found on Copy and paste the name into the search box there to get to the transcript.. Edited by DC - Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. - Go to What's New [now at blogger] to see more daily posts. ----------"Arise" is not used in standard English as a transitive verb taking an object but replacing it would seem a shame. It's got a unique feel. Searching through all his lectures as found on we find 126 instances of that word. To me it has a better feel than to raise the way-seeking mind. Subject and object merge. - dc
Photo with Anagarika Govinda, 1968, fall
"There is no buddha who did not arise way-seeking mind, who did not practice our practice, who did not have bodhisattva-mind, who did not attain nirvana." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 66-08-19-A as found on Copy and paste the name into the search box there to get to the transcript.. Edited by DC - Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. - Go to What's New [now at blogger] to see more daily posts. ----------"Arise" is not used in standard English as a transitive verb taking an object but replacing it would seem a shame. It's got a unique feel. Searching through all his lectures as found on we find 126 instances of that word. To me it has a better feel than to raise the way-seeking mind. Subject and object merge. - dc
Photo with Anagarika Govinda, 1968, fall
Good place for a walk and surprises
Visited the Sangeh Monkey Forest about an hour from Sanur. It's in a Nutmeg forest spread out and pleasant to walk around. While we were standing in front of the temple a monkey leaped up on my back surprising me. A guide nearby ran over and the monkey leaped off me to a statue. The guide said the money was hoping I had food. They're like to grab things from or off visitors. Anyway, it was not rough or scary after the initial shock, sort of like having Clay jump on my back unannounced which he used to do. We were also there for feeding time for 700 of them. There are three gangs with leaders and they have to feed them separately.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Sleep and putting Human needs first
Just read the Huff Post article on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, human beings, and sleep. I hope that Arianna's take on things is not just wishful thinking and that governments and business will move toward being human rather than investor centered. As for sleep, it's interesting to me how this is at the center of concern about people. We think of food, clothing, shelter, clean water and air, but sleep? Good for her.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Mitsu Suzuki Photo and Film page
Go here for photos and links to Slide show with traditional Japanese music and film segment with Mitsu at Sokoji - together or separately on Shunryu Suzuki dot com and YouTube Cuke Video.
Monday, January 25, 2016
A few new posts on cuke
Yehudah (Alan) Winter remembers Tim Buckley
Yvonne Rand remembers Mitsu Suzuki
Beggar's Mind - An excerpt from Marian (Derby) Wisberg (Mountain's) Zen Environment sent by a fan of hers.
Yvonne Rand remembers Mitsu Suzuki
Beggar's Mind - An excerpt from Marian (Derby) Wisberg (Mountain's) Zen Environment sent by a fan of hers.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
from Shungo Suzuki, step-grandson of Mitsu
[L to R Shungo, Kanryu, Kumi, Chitose]------
Thank you very much for your kind message of condolence .The funeral has been done by many people solemnly without hindrance. Mitsu was very proud of the relationship with everyone. She talked before “I’m happy because I can see my husband again in Nirvana”. We feel relieved now.
Thank you very much for your kind message of condolence .The funeral has been done by many people solemnly without hindrance. Mitsu was very proud of the relationship with everyone. She talked before “I’m happy because I can see my husband again in Nirvana”. We feel relieved now.
Thank you.
Nine bows,
Nine bows,
Non polluted
So no duality -- not “duality”-- non polluted mind
is mind itself is buddha. All the buddha is buddha of non-polluted buddha. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 66-08-19-A as found on Copy and paste the name into the search box there to get to the transcript.. Edited by DC - Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. - Go to What's New [now at blogger] to see more daily posts.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Mitsu Suzuki in the KQED film on You Tube Cuke Video
Edited section with Mitsu Suzuki in the zendo and seeing Shunryu off, from the first part of the film, Zen Mountain Center, which takes place at Sokoji where the San Francisco Zen Center was born. Starts with zazen - that's her sitting on the right with her husband Shunryu walking past with the stick. The full Heart Sutra follows, a snippet of Shunryu talking with Richard Baker, Dainin Katagiri sitting quietly. Shunryu and Richard depart for Tassajara with Mitsu and Dainin seeing them off. Shunryu Suzuki dot com ZMC film page in the Video Section with stills [but You Tube is better for viewing videos]
This is a famous word -- non-duality. Zen -- no
attachment. Attachment is not only positive but also negative. There is
negative attachment and there is positive attachment. “I should not see such a
thing”: that is negative attachment [laughs, laughter]. “I want to see
something good” [laughs, laughter]: this is positive attachment. So this kind
of attachment is, you know, polluted mind. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 66-08-19-A as found on Copy and paste the name into the search box there to get to the transcript.. Edited by DC - Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. - Go to What's New [now at blogger] to see more daily posts.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Eijun Linda Cutts Attends Okusan’s Funeral
Linda Cutts is Central Abbess of the SF Zen Center. Here's her report with photos on Mitsu Suzuki's funeral in Japan.
Mitsu Suzuki cuke page
Mitsu Suzuki cuke page
Not Two
the teaching of mind itself is buddha means
non-duality. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 66-08-19-A as found on Copy and paste the name into the search box there to get to the transcript.. Edited by DC - Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. - Go to What's New [now at blogger] to see more daily posts.
People don't realize
The Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe Is Greater Today Than During the Cold War - former US Sec. of Defense, William J. Perry.
cuke page for Species Threat #1 - Nuclear War
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Mind again
[He's reading dogen] When we say mind, mind includes everything. When
we say whisk or chair, whisk or chair include everything. So there is nowhere--
no place for mind [laughs]. No place for special mind. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 66-08-19-A as found on Copy and paste the name into the search box there to get to the transcript.. Edited by DC - Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. - Go to What's New [now at blogger] to see more daily posts.
Pray for Rain
Hot and not raining in rainy season. Hira and Depak own the organic store we go to quite a bit, Satvika Bhoga, They're Pakistani Hindus born in Jakarta - parents had to leave after partition when their home was taken by Moslems and they were run off. They've been in Bali twenty years or so. She says she's never seen a rainy season so dry. It is raining some in higher areas which is more important because there's farming there. Strange how the weather reports keep saying we're going to have rain and dark clouds drift by. El Nino comes from a warming in the north equatorial Pacific as I understand it. With the oceans warming there significantly, wouldn't more El Ninos be expected?
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Okusan from cuke interviews etc

Mitsu Suzuki from here and there on cuke pages - Not all of it for sure but lots.
Wonder who that is with her in the photo.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Another Okusan post
Mitsu Suzuki in the SFZC Wind Bells from 1972 to 2004.---Quite a bit there on her, by her, photos.
Pale Sky again
Back Cover of Gail Sher's Pale Sky, "a poetic evocation of the Tassajara zendo ... on the day Suzuki Roshi died."
Amazon link
Amazon link
Night Crane Press (November 23, 2015)
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Mitsu, Shunryu, and Huston
Been working in the Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind section of cuke and recalled this story from Huston Smith's Preface which was included starting with the paperback edition.------------------
When, four
months before his death, I had the opportunity to ask him why satori didn't figure in his book, his
wife leaned toward me and whispered impishly, "It's because he hasn't had
it"; whereupon the Roshi batted his fan at her in mock consternation and
with finger to his lips hissed, "Shhhh! Don't tell him!" When our
laughter had subsided, he said simply, "It's not that satori is unimportant, but it's not the part of Zen that needs to
be stressed."------------posted on Mitu Suzuki's cuke page - working on her section too.
Huston's cuke page
Huston's cuke page
Jakarta Attack
The attack in Jakarta a couple of days ago did get people's attention here in Bali, but it was so inept that there isn't that big a difference in the mood here in the small sampling around me. A young Javanese woman last night said that she hadn't seen much about it on social media, just more of the same fashion talk and selfies. We're definitely less inclined though to go to Kuta and Seminyak, the busy tourist areas and Starbucks attendance will go from hardly ever to maybe never.
Friday, January 15, 2016
ZMBM 2000 edition changes, part 2
Changes made to the 2000 edition of Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind - Preface and Introduction --- sent by Victor Sergeyev who also sent changes that were made in the main body of the text earlier and new errata and comments. Victor with Gvido Trepsa has put everything concerned with ZMBM under his high def magnifying glass and come up with a number of keen observations. Here's a page for a list of his main contributions. - dc
Condolences from Israel
Department of East Asian Studies
Tel-Aviv University, Israel. I want to express my deep condolences for the passing of the beloved Suzuki Mitsu sensei.
Her tender and wise teachings will always resonate in my heart.
I am happy to tell that the Hebrew translation of Temple Dusk has made the name Suzuki Mitsu a known one in the Israeli circles of poetry, Haiku, and Japanese culture in general. Her graceful art lives now also in the heart of many Israelis.Department of East Asian Studies
Tel-Aviv University, Israel. I want to express my deep condolences for the passing of the beloved Suzuki Mitsu sensei.
Her tender and wise teachings will always resonate in my heart.
Posted on Mitsu Memories page
Malls in Asia
Malls seem to me to be at the apex of Asian dreams. Good for the rich,
good for the masses, cleaner air, cool, food, shopping, play areas, even
sports. And walkers use them too. Experienced that in Kuala Lumpur. Heard about them in Jakarta. My sister just wrote about them in Hong Kong - even one at the top of Victoria Peak. Major airports now double as malls. Here in Bali there are a few I know of - modern as heck with vegetation.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
At the SFZC City Center Founder's Hall
Photo of Mitsu bowing at the kaisando, taken from the SFZC Sangha News Obituary just sent out. Okusan would bow to all of us after the monthly services for Shunryu there on the eve of the 3rd and the morning of the 4th.----------
Mistu Suzuki main cuke page
Mistu Suzuki main cuke page
Noticed While Eating Out
After taking orders for a table, waiters here in Bali, invariably repeat the order to make sure they've got it right. Experienced that also in Malaysia and Thailand so guess it's a SE Asian thing. Certainly reduces the error rate. I've had them do it even in little places that cater almost entirely to locals. Before picking up a plate, bowl, or glass, they always ask if you're finished - even if it's completely clean. Lastly, they don't bring a bill unless one asks. We usually just get up and pay on the way out.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Lewis Richmond
Thoughts for January 2016. ---
Discouragement and what Shunryu Suzuki had to say about it.
---- Lew's cuke page
Discouragement and what Shunryu Suzuki had to say about it.
---- Lew's cuke page
Linda Ruth Cuts in Japan for Mitsu Suzuki's ceremonies
1-13-16 - I am in Japan and will go to Rinso-in tomorrow. I will write something about the ceremonies—a Tsuya tomorrow the 13th which they translate as “wake”, and the funeral on the 14th. - Bowing, Linda----------posting at Mitsu Memories page.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Memories of Mitsu continued
I remember her
saying, “You Americans do everything backwards." - Mary Watson-----------------------------------
Posted on cuke at a page for recently received remembrances of Okusan. Photo of Mel Weitsman and Mitsu at 1980 wedding of Jack Weller and Mary Watson accompanies her touching piece on her tea teacher, Suzuki Sensei.
RIP Earl McGrath
Earl McGrath, Zentatsu Richard Baker's oldest and most dear friend, called Uncle Earl or the Earl of McGrath by Chris Rand (Yvonne's son) who also wrote on Facebook, "Earl was one of the most amazing people I've ever known. So so sad to hear of his passing. One of my all time favorite people. RIP Earl McGrath with much Love." I used to send Earl tapes of my songs and receive kind notes in return (He was president of Rolling Stones International, Jim Carroll's manager, and much more through the years. Farewell Earl. - dc
Koponakan Compassion
That's an Indonesian word for niece or nephew, the former in this case. When niece Camille, sister Susan, and I were taking a walk in the hot sun on the nearby island of Lembongan, Camille noticed a scrawny, mangy dog lying on the side of the street. She'd met a woman visiting there who worked with dog rescue in Bali and emailed her about it. Later she got a message that the dog had been picked up and given care but was too far gone so put to sleep. I hadn't noticed or if I did I forgot. That's the street - off the web.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Remembering Mitsu Suzuki
Mitsu once asked him, “What are you thinking about all the time?”-------“How to establish Buddhism in America,” he answered.----------
Memories page for Mitsu-------------
Photo off Facebook Larry Hanson message from Sweeping Zen which got it from cuke.
Memories page for Mitsu-------------
Photo off Facebook Larry Hanson message from Sweeping Zen which got it from cuke.
Sanur Timeless Critters
Our wall clock stops running every few months. Each time I'll put in a new battery and more often than not that doesn't help. I'll give it to Nyoman Dogen and he'll come back with the old works in a bag and new ones installed and a bill for a few dollars. This time though there was a different story. Ants had made a home in the works.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
RIP Mitsu Suzuki
Mitsu Suzuki, widow of Shunryu Suzuki died on the evening of January 9th at a hospital in Shizuoka Japan. She was 101. This is the edited message received from her grandson Shungo: "Mitsu Suzuki passed away peacefully two hours ago cause of
senility." That would put the time in Japan at about
9pm. (9:30pm confirmed - 4:30am California time 1/09)]. Farewell Okusan, my Japanese mother. - dc-----------Mitsu Suzuki cuke page
Ancient Sage said
Therefore the ancient sage said, “If you
understand what is mind, there is no earth, there is no soil on the earth or there not a piece of soil on the earth.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 66-08-19-A as found on Copy and paste the name into the search box there to get to the transcript.. Edited by DC - Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. - Go to What's New [now at blogger] to see more daily posts.
Another Wave Tale
There's a saying never turn your back on the sea. Now and then I read about kids mainly being unexpectedly swept away by a rogue wave on a northern California beach. George Wheelwright who sold/gave the SFZC Green Gulch (for $300,000 as I recall), said that one day he was walking his dog on Muir Beach and a giant wave came in unexpectedly and swept them both out. They both got back in. - Posted this on ZC Stories
Friday, January 8, 2016
No Universe
Mind itself is everything.
So if you say I know what is mind, the earth will become
thicker. Or if you pick up the earth, there -- there is no earth or there is no
universe even. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 66-08-19-A as found on Copy and paste the name into the search box there to get to the transcript.. Edited by DC - Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. - Go to What's New [now at blogger] to see more daily posts.
When Waves go Bad
Yesterday's post about respecting the sea brought up some memories. One was a truly close call at a beach near LA. It was September, 1985. Kelly and I had taken a train to Santa Monica to get a brand new Toyota at a very low price because the family of a friend at Green Gulch owned the Toyota dealership there. Drove from the dealer to the beach. We drove right up to a beach and there was no sidewalk or store there. The waves I was dealing with were nothing like this photo. Didn't seem so threatening.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Mitsu Suzuki
Nothing new. In the hospital. 101. Fading. This photo was taken by Paul Rosenblum in September, 2013. A couple of more recent ones and older ones (thus younger) on her cuke dot com page. Her husband died 44 years ago. -------------
Special Thing
So it is impossible to recognize some special thing
as mind. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 66-08-19-A as found on Copy and paste the name into the search box there to get to the transcript.. Edited by DC - Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. - Go to What's New [now at blogger] to see more daily posts.
Not all dreams have happy endings
Family and friend just spent six days on Lembongan, a small island off of south Bali. No cars. Lots of motor scooters and some small trucks with seats to move people around. For many, it's one of the best places to be round here. Last three days at Dream Beach with its somewhat rocky beach, strong waves. A little dangerous. That photo and all I found on web picture it when the tide's out without any sizable waves. It can get rough there. Still there'd be a dozen people in the water including kids, most staying near that sandy trough and not too far out. I realized I'd gotten too far out and the current to the side was almost too strong for me. Wasn't pulling me out and I could have gone in there but managed to get back at the less rocky spot to come in. So exhausted. Thought if the tug there were just a bit tweaked it might have been a different story. Note to self: Don't get careless with the sea.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Or we say if you recognize the mind, the earth
will be thicker -- will become thicker by three inches [laughs]. That is extra, you know [laughs]. It is impossible to make the earth thicker by
three inches [laughs]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 66-08-19-A as found on Copy and paste the name into the search box there to get to the transcript.. Edited by DC - Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. - Go to What's New [now at blogger] to see more daily posts.
More Trash
Met a Dane - it was a while back - who said
that there was lots of trash on Bali North shore when he was there and could smell
the burning plastic in the air from offshore in a boat way out. Said there's an
island of trash off Pucket that typhoons wash into the sea and there was so much
trash on the beach at Phuket people gave up and left. So many problems like
that here. That and smog and burning smoke - and the media mostly ignores and
movies and news shows so orten depict Bali and Thailand and super smogville Beijing in a most ideal way, often as crystal clear. This stuff effects the whole globe. Whole globe people must respond because the whole globe surely will.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Mitsu Suzuki
Received this message today:
Dear teachers,
Dear teachers,
A happy new year. Mitsu Suzuki is senility and have last time of her life hospital now. Doctor said it may be a few days but we don’t know reality. Please inform to important person about this situation. Thank you. nine bows, Shungo [Suzuki, Mitsu's grandson]-------
Mitsu Suzuki cuke page
If you recognize what is mind, heaven and earth
will vanish, or it said heaven will fall down and earth will be broken--
will burst out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 66-08-19-A as found on Copy and paste the name into the search box there to get to the transcript.. Edited by DC - Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. - Go to What's New [now at blogger] to see more daily posts.
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