from Beginner's Mind Zen Center
in Northridge, CA
Peter Schneider, Yozen Taishin (Embracing Zen, Surrender to the Truth),
ordained by Shunryu Suzuki and a dharma heir of Sojun Mel Weitsman, was
born December 24, 1937.
He passed away Saturday
January 4, 2025, around 8 pm. He had been alternating between hospital
and a convalescent recovery facility since breaking his femur in a fall a
couple months ago. His situation was complicated by a bacterial
infection. Even though he was eventually declared free of the infection
and taken off antibiotics, it wasn't enough. One of our sangha members
said the nurse they spoke with said it was quite unexpected, as she had
checked in on him an hour before he passed. It is unclear what the
ultimate cause of death was.
He is survived by his wife and co-abbot Jane, and all of us. May we celebrate his life and remember his teaching.
Deep bows,
-Chris B (Myokan Daisho)
I've been in touch with Peter and Jane recently and Peter very recently while he was in a convalescent center. We talked a couple of times since he was there. His mind was fine. Heartfelt condolences to Jane. They were a very tight couple. From the time they got together at Tassajara they've been inseparable. They'd get sick together. He said she wasn't well either. We tended to talk the three of us together. I told them to me they were a unit. Farewell dear friend and dharma bro - dc
Peter and Jane Schneider cuke page