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Saturday, January 30, 2016

RIP Shunko Mike Jamvold

Just received the most sad new in an email that Shunko Mike Jamvold has died of pneumonia in Kyoto. The email came from Jirai Reinhard Mehl, a German monk with whom Shunko has been living in a small temple in Kyoto - just the two of them I believe. Katrinka and I visited with Shunko a few times in May and June of 2014 in Kyoto and we've had some email back and forth. Known him since the early seventies at the SFZC. Wish I'd known he was ill. Farewell dear friend. - DC Jirai's email is below

Dear friends of Shunko,

I am very sorry that I have to tell you that Shunko suddenly died.

He had caught a seriously cold in December and went therefore to the doctor here in Kyoto for some medicine.

Although the cold was still not healed he flew on 9th of January to US because he booked long ago this flight.

In America his condition became worse and he went in San Franscisco to a doctor who told him that he had got a pneumonia and gave him penicillin.

Shunko return on 26th of January to Kyoto and we went together the next day to a hospital here because his condition was still not good. They made a lot of examination and found that the pneumonia was still virulent. So they gave him more medicine and another appointment for the following week.

The next morning he was in a bad shape, probably because he had not eaten the night before. I cooked some o-kayu which he ate with great appetite and he felt much better.

The problem was that I had to leave then for 3 days for my regular work in Shinshoji/Fukuyama. I asked him whether he thinks that he can handle the 3 days without me or whether it would be better to bring him to the hospital for that time. He thought for a moment and decided to stay here since he felt much better after eating. I prepared more food for him and left then Kyoto.

On Saturdaynight I came back and found him dead in his bed. He must have died quite some time ago because the body was already cold and his arm could not be moved anymore.

It looked as if he had layed down just for a rest and then it became the eternal rest. His face looked all in all relaxed so that I think that he had a sudden but peaceful death.

The police came together with the ambulance and they took the body for further examinations. They will also inform his sister and brother since I have no address or phonenumber of them. I don't know how the procedure will be from now on, it will depend on his sister's decision where the funeral is going to happen.

This is in the moment everything I can tell you, it is still unreal for me. If I get new information I will send it to you.

