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Friday, February 19, 2016

Thank You and OK! all up on cuke

Got the whole book on cuke now including covers, publishing page, acknowledgments, and all the chapters. That's self-pirated I guess. Here's a link to the Contents page. Bought a Kindle version to get some of the material outside of the chapters which couldn't find in my computer. All the chapters though came from the final draft of the 1st Penguin edition and there was some errata and small changes here and there after that via email and fax before publishing and then some errata after that - all of which there's no record of that I'm likely to find or bother looking for. So I think at some point I'll make an audio book out of it - reading from the current Shambhala edition (which made no changes to the chapters) and Katrinka said she'd read the version on cuke and note where there are differences so I can go back and fix them. That's the plan. But for now it's on to something new. - dc