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Thursday, September 29, 2016

A short documentary called SIT

Featuring Shohaku Okumura, his wife, and son. The focus is on dealing with a son who's having a hard time figuring out what to do.

Youtube link to this film

Published on Sep 2, 2016
A film about purpose in life, seen through the eyes of a Buddhist monk and his son.
Director//Yoko Okumura - yok
Producer//Christopher Ruiz

I'd say through the eyes of the whole family. High production quality. Neat flick. - dc

Check out Yoko Film dot com and read the bio. Impressive. (Elin and I met the whole family in 1991 at their home and zendo outside of Kyoto. Kudos to them all. - dc)

Tricycle page for this film

On Shohaku:

Sanshin Zen Community

Shohaku Okumura Wikipedia page

cuke the arts film page (which is rarely invoked)

thanks Jim Richardson