Tantric or Shingon
Buddhism emphasizes this point. Their basic scripture is the Diamond Sutra,
which was told by Buddha, but not by the historical Buddha. Buddha didn't speak
this sutra with his mouth. He didn't tell it for an audience, but for himself.
This means that we should not read that scripture with our mind. That is why
they explain the sutra with various mudras. The Zen understanding is very
similar to this, but Zen does not depend on any sutra, because everything is a
sutra. But the Shingon school chooses one scripture. They say this sutra was
told by the Bodhisattva Dainichi Nyorai [Mahavairocana tathagata]. -------------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-E as found on shunryusuzuki.com. Edited by DC
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