Another story is also
told. Dipankara Buddha is the Buddha who gave juki to Buddha and may be the
last buddha Shakyamuni Buddha served. In ancient times there were great kings
whose ministers were very wise. One minister was so wise that his king gave him
half of the whole world, which he ruled. And he had a bright boy whom he sent
to his brother, who was a great scholar. He studied under him and became a
great teacher or bodhisattva. His father was very proud of him and brought him
to his home and listened to his sermon. Then he brought him to his former king
at the border between their two countries, and the son gave the king a great
sermon. After that, for many hundreds of kotis of kalpas of time, the king sent
various offerings to that teacher. Later that teacher became Dipankara
Bodhisattva, and that king who helped him was the Buddha himself. So when
Dipankara Bodhisattva became enlightened and became a true teacher of the whole
world, Buddha became his disciple, studied, and received his juki from him. -------------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-F as found on Edited by DC
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