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Saturday, October 24, 2020

Shunryu Suzuki program from our Shambhala Friends


At Noon Eastern Today

Homage to Shunryu Suzuki Roshi

Hosted by KCCL and Ocean
Saturday, October 24, 12 Noon Eastern; 1:00 PM Atlantic Time
In the Main Ocean Shrine Room (link below)

Highly revered, Shunryu Suzuki was a Sōtō Zen monk and teacher who helped establish Zen Buddhism in the United States, and is renowned for founding the first Zen Buddhist monastery. We will hear a little about his life and his strong connection with Trungpa Rinpoche.

We will also be viewing videos of some of his teachings, and hearing some stories from senior practitioners who were his students.

Open to All
Free of Charge

You can log into the Main Shrine Room and catch it here.