Passing this on - Dear friends, Thank you for registering for the Shambhala Online Book of the Month--November Edition featuring Street Zen: The Life and Work of Issan Dorsey, by Tensho David Schneider. The live event will take place on Sunday, November 1, 2020, at the following times: 10:00am (Pacific) / 11:00am (Mountain) / 12:00pm (Central) / 1:00 pm (Eastern) / 2:00 pm (Atlantic) / 18:00 (UK) / 19:00 (CET) (If you are unable to attend, please know that the event will be recorded.) We look forward to seeing you online soon! Sophie (Shambhala Online) ********************************************** Zoom Meeting link: Meeting ID: 939 5984 4700 Passcode: 991464 |
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