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Monday, December 28, 2020

Mel Weitsman in Hospice Care

And Alan Senauke's Mountain Seat Ceremony postponed

A message from the Berkeley Zen Center

Dear friends,

We made the decision this week to postpone the Mountain Seat Ceremony in order to fully attend to the changes in Sojun’s condition. We are rescheduling it to Sunday January 31, 2021 (instead of this coming Monday, December 28th), and fervently hope this does not change your ability to participate.

Sojun Roshi is in the last phase of his life. Two weeks ago he began hospice care and started to receive oxygen; during our Rohatsu this last weekend he shifted again, and is now confined to a hospital bed, eating and drinking very little, and is continuing to weaken and continuing on oxygen. There is no way to know when death will come, but most likely it will be before the end of the year. The proximal sangha has begun sitting with him, and we invite his wider sangha to sit with him in spirit.

Thank you,

Mary Duryee,
BZC President

Hozan Alan Senauke
Acting Head Priest   

Sojun Mel Weitsman's Caring Bridge page