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Saturday, March 6, 2021

For those who receive these posts in email

 Sometimes a post goes out and then gets updated. These updates don't go to those who get these posts in email. Recently Publish was chosen instead of Save and a post went out with only an x for a topic - and that wasn't the first time. In a case like that, you can late go to the post online at and see if it's been fixed. You can get there by hitting "See this post in your browser" and then clicking on the title of the post. I can also delete the post and repost it. Then it will go to you. 

Another fascinating item. These email posts had a Read More function but there was seldom anything more to read. This caused some confusion. That message has been eliminated by the deft computing skill of Peter Ford. 

Another interesting point. We don't post on Sundays. So this post is being past-dated to Saturday at four pm even though it's being uploaded at 2am Monday Bali time which is way past my bedtime.

Ta ta. (that's Hindi)