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Friday, March 31, 2023

Bowing Practice

Usually, when you bow to Buddha you look like you are respecting Buddha, but actually why you bow to Buddha is to continue your practice. That is the point. Without having any particular substantial idea or materialistic idea, just to live in bodhisattva's vow is the point. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-12 - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

AI, Chatbots, and Dharma

Green Gulch Farm new abbot jiryu Mark Rutschman-Byler has an article  about his Roshibot and chatbots in general on Lion's Roar that is getting a lot of attention.

SFZC City Center new abbot Mako Voelkel set out a link to this article on AI and chatbots.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

To Respect Everything

To respect tathagata: the first vow means to continue this practice incessantly, and for us everything is Buddha. Large and small, everything is Buddha. So to respect Buddha means to respect everything. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-12 - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Fixed bad link on yesterday's post

 Here is the correct link to the prior post for the page with the 11 photo set of Shunryu Suzuki with Yvonne Rand and her great-grandmother's glasses. - thanks Andrew Main

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Innumerable Worlds

Each element consists of innumerable elements. So, we don't know what is the ultimate existence. When we have this understanding, we have no more idea of self. Instead of having an idea of self, we will see the Buddha in each world. So, if you say this world is great, it’s as great as the cosmos. If you say this world is small, you will see innumerable worlds even in a speck of dust. In this way we have to understand our world, and in this way we have to practice our way. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-12 - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Eleven Shunryu Suzuki Photos

In Shunryu Suzuki's study and meeting room with Yvonne Rand and her great-grandmother's glasses (in four of the photos). Pat Herreshoff in one pic. Katharine Thanas took the photos. Featured here is the one that's always used - after cropping Yvonne on the right out. Go to the link to see the other ten.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


We think everything exists as it is and everything is independent from the rest of things, but actually everything is dependent with each other. Things are dependent with each other, and things are changing always. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-12 - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Ceremonial chair Rick Morton restored for the SFZC. Same one Shunryu Suzuki used.

Monday, March 27, 2023

The Beginnings of SFZC Tassajara story

 Item: SFZC 1966 Tassajara related Board Notes

This is something I threw together for myself while working on Tassajara Stories which will never be finished at the rate I'm going and how much competition it has from other vital Cuke Archives work. But anyway, the results of all this busywork will be on cuke where it can collect digital dust. - dc

Substantial Ideas

Forget all about any substantial ideas. This is why we cannot understand Buddhism or our way. Actually there is nothing [laughs] including you. If so, we should just sit. Then you will be the one including everything. Because you are not accustomed to living in this form you are not accustomed to your own home. So, you are wandering about—finding your home. “Where is my home?” You are right in your home, but you are seeking for a home with a substantial idea. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Niels Holm's home entrance

Another Suzuki Photo Added to Database

Again, the only place we find this one was in the Wind Bell. 

Saturday, March 25, 2023

To Express Your Idea of Buddha

We say, without practice there is no buddha. It means practice is buddha. When you practice there is buddha....So, Sambhogakaya Buddha, which is rewarded body, which is one with everyday life, which is nothing but each being, means, you may say, to express your idea of buddha through your way of practice or your everyday life. That is the idea of Sambhogakaya. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

image credit:

Podcast with Narcissus Quagliata

Narcissus Robert Quagliatta was a student of Shunryu who went on to become a world renowned artist with stained glass. 

Narcissus's cuke podcast of two weeks ago  

His cuke page - links there to lots, including images of some of his amazing stained glass work, his books, his cuke interview, and more. 

Friday, March 24, 2023


Whatever texts you read, there is Zen. All scriptures are the truth by which you will understand what is Zen. But there is no need to read all of those scriptures because there is no need to arrange them vertically or horizontally. So, if you open some part of the scriptures, there is Zen. In this way, we should understand our way, and we should read scriptures. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Suzuki with Anagarika Govinda

Cuke Podcast News

Once a week there's a new Cuke Podcast. You can see who they're with and link to a spot to hear them via the Cuke Podcast page. The most recent podcast was with my old chum from Fort Worth, Frank Simmons. He has been at the Meditation Center of San Miguel de Allende going since 1996. Here he is with his calligraphy of Beginner's Mind. 

Frank Simmons' cuke page

Podcast with Frank (not on the Cuke Podcast page at the time of this post.)

tomorrow - another podcast plugged

this weekend - another podcast goes up

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Without Arranging

We should not arrange teachings horizontally or vertically. We should realize the meaning of teachings, one by one, without arranging them. This is not only the Zen way but also Tendai's way. The so-called middle way in Tendai is a way to accept teachings one by one without arranging them. That is the middle way. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

From a painting by Helen Dunham.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

This and That

If everything is changing, nothing special exists. This is true. But in the smallest particle of time, everything exists. Everything is changing moment after moment, but everything at the smallest particle of time exists in a form and color with close relationships with other things. That is true. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Nothing Permanent

Even people who are not satisfied with a materialistic way of life, as long as their view of life is based on some substantial viewpoint of existence, they cannot get out of a materialistic way of life. Even though they seek for some spiritual life, in their spiritual life there are various materialistic values. When nothing concrete exists, nothing permanent exists. There is nothing that does not change. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Bodhgaya photo by Eric Arnow


Monday, March 20, 2023

All of Us

As a Dharmakaya Buddha, his body is omnipresent or truth itself. As a Nirmanakaya Buddha, his body is more real, a tangible buddha. So, each one of us will be a Nirmanakaya Buddha. If you think in this way, it is not only this bodhisattva who is Dharmakaya and Nirmanakaya. All of us are also Nirmanakaya Buddha and Dharmakaya Buddha. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo. 

Mitsu Suzuki and Della Goertz on the right. Paul Alexander with tie to the right of Suzuki.


Congratulations to the new SFZC Abbots


L to R: David Zimmerman  is now the Central Abbot, Jiryu Rutschman-Byler is at Green Gulch, and Mako Voelkel at the City Center.

Ed Sattizhan has stepped down as the Central Abbot, Fu Nancy Schroeder from Green Gulch. David Zimmerman was the City Center abbot.

Here's a SFZC Sangha News article from last June announcing it

Dear New Abbots, Wishing you all smooth sailing in the unpredictable waters you're heading into. - DC

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Two Sides

Nirmanakaya Buddha is more concrete, not abstract. Dharmakaya Buddha is more abstract—buddha as truth. Buddha before he takes various forms is Dharmakaya Buddha. But Nirmanakaya Buddha may be various beings which have form and color. So, this bodhisattva has two sides: He is universal buddha as a Dharmakaya Buddha, and also Nirmanakaya Buddha as a more concrete buddha which has form and color.
—Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo. 


Zen for Kids - by Laura Burges

Dear Dharma Friends:

        I'm pleased that my second book, Zen for Kids: 50+ Mindful Activities and Stories to Shine Loving-Kindness in the World is available to order and will be released by Shambhala/ Penguin Random House on March 14. When Shambhala invited me to write a book about Zen for children, I wasn't sure it was such a good idea. At San Francisco Zen Center, we don't indoctrinate the children into Zen. But then I thought about my own daughter's life in our sangha, the ceremonies she attended growing up, and the wonderful family program we host at Green Gulch Farm, where the kids come to the first part of lecture on a Sunday and then go outside to do activities in the gardens and fields. 

       When my daughter was about five, we were looking at the night sky at Tassajara, and I showed her the Big Dipper. She said, "It's like the ladle we use to bathe the baby Buddha with sweet water on his birthday!" Now my daughter is a preschool teacher in Oakland and teaches meditation--which perforce is called "mindfulness" in education--to her little ones and to other teachers.This book reflects my many years of Zen practice and the 35 years that I spent teaching Third Grade. While not using the word "paramitas," the wisdom stories and activities that I share, and the activities that flow from them, highlight teachings on generosity, patience, wholehearted effort, etc. If there are children in your life, or if you'd like this book to be part of your community, it's appropriate for kids 4 -10 or older. The charming illustrations are done by artist Melissa Iwai.

        Shambhala has encouraged me to offer a generous 30% discount for the book if you order it through their website. Here are the details that they sent to me:

·        Code is ZFK30

·        For orders of Zen for Kids made through

·        The code is valid through April 14, 2023 (one month after publication).

·        You go to the book's page on the Shambhlala website to place your order.

(*Code valid on through April 24, 2023. Enter code in shopping cart. Cannot be combined with other offers.)


      I think that, as we find ways to share the principles of practice with children in kid-friendly and light-hearted ways, we are touching the future and enriching family life.

Bowing with gratitude,


Laura Burges cuke page


Friday, March 17, 2023


This bodhisattva is the bodhisattva of all the universal teaching, all the dharma. As Avalokitesvara is the bodhisattva of compassion, this bodhisattva is the bodhisattva of wisdom or truth. By “truth” I do not mean some truth in an ordinary sense. It is more than truth. It is more concrete. It is more tangible. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

A Poem for Stan White


                                                   Thank You, Stan!

                      For: Stan White

Bundled up against the biting wintry sea

currents of the Pacific,

                                          I asked Stan how he could amble about

the monastery grounds in short sleeves

                                          and flip-flops sans socks.

                                          The cold won’t hurt you, he said,

                                          scrambling my brain waves! 

Wonderstruck with this new reckoning

that I could unbutton my coat,

let the outside in,

and whenever possible

                                          pass along the good news

to anyone shivering needlessly—

there is more of life that can be taken.

 from Leatrice Asher

Stan White cuke page

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Think Non-thinking

We say “think non-thinking.” So, you may say—to obtain something which you cannot obtain. Anyway, what you will have through zazen is more than what you think you have acquired. This kind of acquisition cannot be attained by experience or by thinking. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

One-stroke brushplay by Kazuaki Tanahashi

Shunryu Suzuki Photo

Found this photo of Shunryu Suzuki at Tassajara that wasn't in the Suzuki photo archive in an old Wind Bell. So now it's in the archive as SR0389

with the caption

Shunryu Suzuki watering under the arbor in front of the old zendo. 

Photos on

thanks Peter Ford

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


Even though you do not realize, you do not think, or you are not aware of the merit of your zazen, it does not mean you haven't acquired anything. Even if you think you have had some special experience, that does not mean you acquired the true power of meditation. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Attention Readers!

It's a Shambhala book and here's the Penguin-Random House link (they distribute Shambhala) which has other links where one may purchase the book including Amazon.

forward by Susan Moon

There must be some mistake as one of the turning words examples is from yours truly. - DC

Alan's cuke page

Tuesday, March 14, 2023


You should always be ready to respond to circumstances. Perfect ability to respond to the circumstances is what you will have through right meditation. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Monday, March 13, 2023


If zazen practice is just to acquire or to attain some special experience, that is not true zazen. True zazen through right practice is more than just experience. You may say this—what you acquire by right meditation is the power of adjusting yourself according to the circumstances. Sometimes we put emphasis on flexibility. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Bob Walter

Just discovered Shunryu Suzuki lecture

Although We Have Nothing, We Can Help Others By Offering Things - Engage Wisdom Link

Shundo David Haye discovered and transcribed it. Here's what he wrote us:

I have exciting news. I was browsing through the photographs we had taken of all the old reels, while reprocessing them recently, and decided to investigate the one that Bill Redican had catalogued as XX-66-07-07.

We had imported this with the other original reels a couple of years ago as being of potential interest, but I had concluded, based on listening to the first few lines, that it was a different speaker, perhaps Katagiri. It turns out that Suzuki was reading from a translation of Shushogi, and his reading voice is quite different to his normal lecturing voice. As soon as you go further into the talk, it is obviously him. I have transcribed the talk, which is generally very clear, and it is presented here. I think it is a really great talk overall.

click on image to view larger

Date and file name: 66-07-07

Saturday, March 11, 2023


What you will attain through experience will be some universality. But some accurate, substantial, solid, tangible feeling, or meaning cannot be attained by experience. So, we put emphasis on validity rather than universality. This validity could be acquired through right meditation. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Not by Thinking or by Experience

Through intellectual understanding, you may have the universal truth. You may understand what is universal truth by induction or by experience or by thinking. But the wisdom which we mean cannot be acquired through thinking or by experience. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Hoitsu Suzuki to speak tomorrow

A cuke What's New follower wrote asking to repost about Hoitsu's talk as a reminder so here tis.

Saturday 10:00 am Livestream Dharma Talk: Hoitsu Suzuki, Online/Onsite 3/11

at the SFZC City Center.

Hoitsu Suzuki is eldest son and dharma heir of Shunryu Suzuki. 

Hoitsu's cuke page

Hoitsu's son, Shungo, sent us this recent photo. Looking good Hoitsu Roshi!

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Practicing The Truth

If we put emphasis on the truth itself, rather than its spiritual or physical being, that is Dharmakaya Buddha. Although he is the embodiment of the truth, without practice he cannot attain enlightenment and he cannot express the truth. Only when he actually practices the truth, the truth will be realized. Realization of the truth will take place in this sense. Then we call him Sambhogakaya Buddha. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Posters & Brochures for Fundraisers for Tassajara Zen Mountain Center


Here they are - from 1966-67, a busy time of growth for the SF Zen Center. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


Nirmanakaya Buddha is when Shakyamuni Buddha helps people, providing various teachings, like a doctor who makes prescriptions. Sambhogakaya Buddha is the rewarded body who attained buddhahood through his practice. Dharmakaya Buddha is the Buddha as truth. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Henry Moore - Buddha sculptures

Another side of Shunryu Suzuki

Phillip Wilson was at Rinsoin some in the mid-sixties. Suzuki had sent him to Eiheiji where he stayed for two practice periods. Here's a quote from an old interview with Phillip that shows a side of Shunryu Suzuki that I'd not heard before. I wish I'd included this in Crooked Cucumber to balance some of the less cheery, more remote things his offspring said about him. I included a couple of photos to support the point. - dc

Did you meet his daughter? She talked about Reverend Suzuki as a young man and how they used to go to the beach and play and go swimming. I had never pictured him playing. They said he liked to go to the beach and have a good time. Probably he got so busy with the temple that he couldn't do it very often. They said he was very athletic and loved the outdoors.


Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Lecture on the Meal Chant

All of the Ten Buddhas which we recite at mealtime.... So, we have here Buddha and sangha and dharma. So, if you recite those names with deeper understanding, it means you are repeating, you are practicing the Buddha's way. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-01-11B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Jane Hirshfield with Ezra Kelin in podcast interview

 Podcast - Ezra Klein Interviews poet and essayist and Jane Hirshfield - NY Times - with transcript

It may now be paywalled on the Times site itself, but is available for free on any of the podcast platforms.

Jane talks about her time at Tassajara among other things.

Old Blogger Post reinstated - for now - we'll see

 Followup from the prior post. We had to remove material against community standards of which there was none so Peter added a blank space and resaved and we got this:

 We have re-evaluated the post titled "Elizabeth Baker singing in 
Berkeley" against Community Guidelines Upon review, the post has been 
reinstated. You may access the post at

From what I've gathered reading about this sort of problem, it can get taken off again. We'll see. Little by little it seems we live in a world run by AI. - DC

Monday, March 6, 2023

Just a Joke

That is another side of serious practice. That is, if we know what is just a joke, we are practicing very good practice—not too much effort [laughs], but not too little [laughs]. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-00-00-B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Another old post hidden for breach of community guidelines

We got this message:

 "This post was unpublished because it violates Blogger Community Guidelines. To republish, please update the content to adhere to guidelines."

The post then reverted to draft status. On one of them Peter Ford found three x's that were in the post. They were deleted and the post went back up. But what's wrong with the one below? It's from over four years ago. The other one was 2016. They've clearly got some program sweeping the whole shebang for offensive content like that in the screenshot below (click on image to see larger).

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Hoitsu Suzuki to speak in a week

Saturday 10:00 am Livestream Dharma Talk: Hoitsu Suzuki, Online/Onsite 3/11

at the SFZC City Center.

Hoitsu Suzuki is eldest son and dharma heir of Shunryu Suzuki. 

Hoitsu's cuke page

Maybe Too Much

The great teachers are doing just enough, and not much [laughs, laughter]. Sometimes they wear a gorgeous okesa and a beautiful hat and a long staff, beautiful sandals, and a beautiful whisk. You may think, “That is too much!” [laughs]. Actually, maybe too much! [Laughs, laughter.] But the reason why they do so is because people like it, you know [laughter]. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-00-00-B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Suzuki with Sokoji members, mid-1960's

Friday, March 3, 2023

Tassajara Schedule

It may seem as if it's the permanent Tassajara schedule but that Tassajara Schedule that was just featured is one of a number of schedules that were typed up for the first practice period in 1967 when the schedule kept changing as things were tried out. Note the typos - that not all the times work - work ended at 11:25, not 1:25. And there's a 1:30 bath for the sick that was tried for a week. It's one of some of the materials posted on from that first summer practice period. - dc 

Too Much

Student: How is it possible to do too much or try too hard?

SR: To get up too early before other students. To get up early and to sit—that is not good practice! Our rules are not so loose. Our rules are just right [laughs]. If you try to do more, you will be exhausted. You could not keep your practice for seven days—eventually you would give up. So, this much care is necessary on the part of the teacher or leader.
—Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-00-00-B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

at Tassajara

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Real Practice

No practice just for yourself. To take care of the zendo is practice. To take care of your own kitchen is practice. We understand practice in that way. How you take care of your kitchen is how you sit. Even though you sit, you have many problems: drowsiness, pain in your legs, and you have to take care of your breathing, and your posture should always be straight. There are many things to take care of, in your practice. We are not just sitting on a cushion [laughs] sleeping. We are taking care of everything. Just as you take care of your family, your children. That is real practice. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-00-00-B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Bob Watkins with children

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Includes Everything

Real self will be found in your surroundings. You will be always completely absorbed in what you see—if you are not fooling yourself. If you exist here, that is very true. We know that. So, we have no individual practice, in its usual sense. Our individual practice includes everything. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-00-00-B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Tassajara Gate

Check out Stephen Wiltse's site

 Frog Zen - go to Memoire Part Two, Chapter 16, Crazy Wisdom, which includes his experience going to Sokoji, meeting Shunryu Suzuki, doing zazen, and more. It's also on his cuke page.

Stephen Wiltse cuke page

At his cuke page there's a link to another Suzuki Story