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Friday, April 28, 2023

Steve Weintraub is Recovering at home

What a relief to know Steve is back home and mending after his bicycle accident. Praying for a speedy recovery for you Steve!

Here's his message

Dear Dharma friends,

I wanted to get in touch in person and let you know how I’m doing:
I am doing well, and I am deeply grateful for your sincere concern and great support.

(As my left arm is in sling, I am tapping away at the keyboard with right hand only — so my email may be somewhat brief.)

I am home now, (yay!!) after 4 days at the Trauma Center at John Muir hospital in Walnut Creek — where I received truly excellent care from the Trauma staff and everyone else there.  I am deeply grateful for their wonderful and thorough care and concern.

On Saturday morning I was on a bike ride from Green Gulch to Pt. Reyes Station and back — a “training ride” for a bike tour on the Oregon Coast that Dave and I had been planning in May.  I was on my way home and coming down the steep and twisty portion of Hwy 1 just north of Bolinas Lagoon.  I slid off the road on one of the turns.  The impact was all to the left side of my body: 5 fractured ribs, a punctured/collapsed left lung, a fractured clavicle, (slightly) fractured transverse process of some thoracic vertebra, and bruising and road rash.
Very soon after my crash, helpful passersby stopped to give me support and assistance; and, shortly after, a number of local fire and emergency crews were there, providing their great professional know how.  I was ambulanced to Olema, and helicoptered from there to John Muir.  At JM, they had to put a tube in my left lung cavity to de-collapse it, and they did all the diagnostic work, and necessary support in the first few days post-trauma.  The emergency crews and JM staff were all great.

I am home now, came home yesterday afternoon, and am receiving loving care and support from Linda, Dave, and Sarah, who is coming in from Vermont this afternoon to be here till Monday..
Extremely fortunately, all of my injuries are thoroughly heal-able with time and care.  
I am grateful-beyond-words, for the circle of love I feel with Linda, Sarah and Dave.  And, as well for the love, support, add-to-the-wellbeing-ceremony-list, and healing messages I have received from all of you.

Love to each of you,
